Frontend Forever App
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@charset "UTF-8"; @import url(,400,600,700,800); *, :after, :before { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; margin: 0; } body { margin: 0; overflow: hidden; }
console.log("Event Fired") //part of december adventure on : let angle = 0; let saturation = 100; let lightness = 100; let draggingAngle = false; let draggingSaturation = false; let dragginglightness = false; let ringWidth; let radius; let dx, dy; let touchR = 15; function setup() { createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); colorMode(HSL); angleMode(DEGREES); radius = min(width, height) / 5; ringWidth = min(width, height) / 8; dx = width / 5; dy = height / 5; angle = random(0, 360); saturation = random(0, 100); lightness = random(0, 100); textSize(16); textAlign(CENTER); } function draw() { background(angle, saturation, lightness); translate(width / 2, height / 2); noFill(); drawRing(); drawBBar(); drawSBar(); angleSelector(); saturationSelector(); lightnessSelector(); borderAndText(); } function borderAndText() { noFill(); stroke((angle + 180) % 360, 100 - saturation, 100 - lightness); rect( -width / 2 + dx / 4, -height / 2 + dy / 4, width - dx / 2, height - dy / 2 ); rect( -width / 2 + dx / 4, -height / 2 + dy / 4, width - dx / 2, height - dy / 2 ); if (lightness >= 70) { b = 100; } else { b = 0; } fill((360 - angle) % 360, 0, 100 - b); noStroke(); text( "hsl(" + round(angle) + "deg, " + round(saturation) + "%, " + round(lightness) + "%)", 0, height / 2 - dy / 2 ); rgb1 = hslToRgb(angle, saturation, lightness); text( "rgb(" + round(rgb1.r) + ", " + round(rgb1.g) + ", " + round(rgb1.b) + ")", 0, -height / 2 + dy / 2 ); hexStr = rgbToHex(rgb1.r, rgb1.g, rgb1.b); text(hexStr, 0, -height / 2 + dy / 2 + 20); } function mousePressed() { let selX = cos(angle) * radius; let selY = sin(angle) * radius; let d = dist(mouseX - width / 2, mouseY - height / 2, selX, selY); if (d < 20) { draggingAngle = true; return; } let satX = -width / 2 + dx; let satY = map(saturation, 0, 100, height / 2 - dy, -height / 2 + dy); let satD = dist(mouseX - width / 2, mouseY - height / 2, satX, satY); if (satD < 20) { draggingSaturation = true; return; } let brightX = width / 2 - dx; let brightY = map(lightness, 0, 100, height / 2 - dy, -height / 2 + dy); let brightD = dist(mouseX - width / 2, mouseY - height / 2, brightX, brightY); if (brightD < 20) { dragginglightness = true; } } function touchStarted() { let touchX = touches[0].x - width / 2; let touchY = touches[0].y - height / 2; let selX = cos(angle) * radius; let selY = sin(angle) * radius; let d = dist(touchX, touchY, selX, selY); if (d < 20) { draggingAngle = true; return false; } let satX = -width / 2 + dx; let satY = map(saturation, 0, 100, height / 2 - dy, -height / 2 + dy); let satD = dist(touchX, touchY, satX, satY); if (satD < 20) { draggingSaturation = true; return false; } let brightX = width / 2 - dx; let brightY = map(lightness, 0, 100, height / 2 - dy, -height / 2 + dy); let brightD = dist(touchX, touchY, brightX, brightY); if (brightD < 20) { dragginglightness = true; return false; } return false; } function mouseDragged() { if (draggingAngle) { angle = atan2(mouseY - height / 2, mouseX - width / 2); if (angle < 0) angle += 360; } if (draggingSaturation) { let relativeY = mouseY - height / 2; saturation = map(relativeY, height / 2 - dy, -height / 2 + dy, 0, 100); saturation = constrain(saturation, 0, 100); } if (dragginglightness) { let relativeY = mouseY - height / 2; lightness = map(relativeY, height / 2 - dy, -height / 2 + dy, 0, 100); lightness = constrain(lightness, 0, 100); } } function touchMoved() { if (draggingAngle) { angle = atan2(touches[0].y - height / 2, touches[0].x - width / 2); if (angle < 0) angle += 360; } if (draggingSaturation) { let relativeY = touches[0].y - height / 2; saturation = map(relativeY, height / 2 - dy, -height / 2 + dy, 0, 100); saturation = constrain(saturation, 0, 100); } if (dragginglightness) { let relativeY = touches[0].y - height / 2; lightness = map(relativeY, height / 2 - dy, -height / 2 + dy, 0, 100); lightness = constrain(lightness, 0, 100); } return false; } function mouseReleased() { draggingAngle = false; draggingSaturation = false; dragginglightness = false; } function touchEnded() { draggingAngle = false; draggingSaturation = false; dragginglightness = false; return false; } function windowResized() { radius = min(width, height) / 5; ringWidth = min(width, height) / 8; dx = width / 5; dy = height / 5; resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); } function drawRing() { for (let a = 0; a < 360; a += 0.5) { stroke(a, 100, 50); strokeWeight(5); push(); rotate(a); line(radius - ringWidth / 2, 0, radius + ringWidth / 2, 0); pop(); } } function drawBBar() { stroke(0); let x = width / 2 - dx; let y = dy; for (let i = -height / 2 + y; i < height / 2 - y; i += 3) { let b = map(i, -height / 2 + y, height / 2 - y, 100, 0); fill(angle, saturation, b); noStroke(); circle(x, i, 10); } } function drawSBar() { stroke(0); let x = -width / 2 + dx; let y = dy; for (let i = -height / 2 + y; i < height / 2 - y; i += 3) { let s = map(i, -height / 2 + y, height / 2 - y, 100, 0); fill(angle, s, lightness); noStroke(); circle(x, i, 10); } } function angleSelector() { let selX = cos(angle) * radius; let selY = sin(angle) * radius; stroke(255); fill(angle, 100, 50); circle(selX, selY, 20); } function saturationSelector() { let selX = -width / 2 + dx; let selY = map(saturation, 0, 100, height / 2 - dy, -height / 2 + dy); push(); stroke(angle, 100 - saturation, 50); fill(angle, saturation, 50); circle(selX, selY, 20); pop(); } function lightnessSelector() { let selX = width / 2 - dx; let selY = map(lightness, 0, 100, height / 2 - dy, -height / 2 + dy); push(); stroke(angle, 100, 100 - lightness); fill(angle, 100, lightness); circle(selX, selY, 20); pop(); } function keyPressed() { if (key === "c" || key === "C") { let hslText = "hsl(" + round(angle) + "deg, " + round(saturation) + "%, " + round(lightness) + "%)"; navigator.clipboard .writeText(hslText) .then(() => console.log("HSL value copied to clipboard!")) .catch((err) => console.error("Failed to copy: ", err)); } } function rgbToHex(r, g, b) { const toHex = (n) => { const hex = n.toString(16); return hex.length === 1 ? "0" + hex : hex; }; return "#" + toHex(r) + toHex(g) + toHex(b); } function hslToRgb(h, s, l) { // Create a color in let c = color(h, s, l); // colorMode(RGB); t = { r: round(red(c)), g: round(green(c)), b: round(blue(c)) }; // Get RGB values return t; }